
All ideas streamlined into a single flow of creativity. Smiltė.

LA offices

Location: Moscow
Year: 2013 – 2017
Area: 13 acres

Collaboration in the Stages: Competition [First Prize 2013] / Design Development [2016]

Architects (Design Team Leaders): Diller Scofidio + Renfro

The firm of IO CARYDI collaborated with Landscape Design office: Hargreaves Associates (Landscape Design) in the design of landscape architecture elements and undertook the study of the hardscape paving. Team for IO CARYDI: I. Carydi, Y. Koufakis, V.Vasiliadis, N. Katsikis, I. Fahidis


Design studies include contouring and landform design in detailed areas in order to configure the shape and morphology of outdoor areas as well as the development of a parametric paving pattern script with a characteristic edge gradient that creates a smooth “curb-less” transition from hardscape to softscape areas. The script facilitates the laying of approx. 700,000 tiles.