
All ideas streamlined into a single flow of creativity. Smiltė.

LA offices

Type: Research Program, NTUA
Title: Investigation Strategies for Networking of Urban Interventions in the Metropolis of Athens (in Greek)
Sub research field: Syggrou Avenue & The Gates of Piraeus in the Metropolitan Context
Research Coordinator: G. Parmenidis, professor NTUA
Chief Researcher: P. Tournikiotis, professor NTUA
Year: 2012-2013
Research team: P. Tournikiotis professor NTUA, M. Vasenhoven, V. Vasiliadis, G. Grigoriadis, I. Carydi, F. Kafandaris, V. Kitsos, S. Mouzakitis, E. Patatouka, C. Vasilopoulou

Io Carydi’s research duties included: Design Research & Documentation of the role of Syggrou Avenue in the hydrology context of the Lower Metropolitan Area of Athens and the Faliron Delta. The study includes the conversion of the avenue to a green corridor facilitating sustainable urban drainage systems.

The following images are extracts from the Research Program and showcase the design work Io Carydi